12th September 2023

WRITESPACE STUDIO 12th September 2023

Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.

Phil: I’m Phil, from Auckland, and I write about plant medicines

Maite: Hi, this is Maite, first time I join the studio. I do academic writing in the field of health economics. And now taking up reflective writing for my own pleasure 🙂 Based in Spain. Nice to see you

Hussain: Hi everyone, I am Hussain joining from Indonesia. I am currently editing some poems.

Kate: Kate W, currently in Matakana north of Auckland on a writing retreat with colleagues. Write for work - teaching and research/ PHD - around critical rehabilitation/ disability studies…🦋

Olga: Hi everyone! I'm Olga from Serbia. I am an archaeologist, writing academic papers about Neolithic painted pottery.

Momoyo: Hi I'm Momoyo in Japan. I'm revising a book chapter, which is something between English studies, feminist scholarship and sociology.

Stephanie: Hi all, I'm Stephanie, Gadigal country (Sydney, Australia). Trying to finish my PhD thesis on fourteenth century Italian art (representations of the Triumph of Death.)

Eva: Hi, I am Eva, based in Germany, doing academic writing in education.

Bring our voices into the room: Introduce yourself with an object!

Helen: Freddie the fluffy dog, koru (fern frond) earrings, shiny phone, tiny elephant, sprig of rosemary, red coin purse, a pack of cards, driftwood collage, hand cream


What writing are you working on right now, who is it for, what excites you about it?

Phil: I’m updating several monographs I’ve previously written, on NZ/Aotearoa native plants, and their medicinal uses.

Maite: I´m about to write up an article about an analysis I did last year about primary health care expenditure. It is my top favourite topic in the area health policies.

Phil: Sounds very interesting Maite - a topical subject here in NZ also!

Kate: PHD …a research creation experiment - bringing together disability, poetry and Deleuze - for me/my supervisors/ eventual examiners - I am excited about having found a way to be creative and to think differently...

Hussain: I am currently editing the poems I have written in the past one year. I am exciting to make a collection out of them.

Momoyo: I am revising a book chapter about women teachers' writing of their workplace injustice in blogs. I'm excited about this work because I'm trying to bridge between feminist scholarship and social scientific theme (inequality)

Eva: I am in the process of finalising a journal article on Organisation & innovation and intend to develop an abstract on Organisation & inequality. I feel excited about the productive co-writing process with a colleague and that we managed to write a solid article within a tight time frame.

Stephanie: Chapter three of my thesis, which is on figures of the wealthy as vanitas with the Triumph iconography. I’m finishing off a structural edit / filling holes exercise for my thesis. It’s for myself mostly! I am excited about digging into how much information is encoded in these figures.

Creative Warm-up: Choose a person, object, or topic from your research/writing to address in a short letter or poem beginning “Dear —“ or, if you want to dial up the intimacy, “To My Darling —“

Extra challenge: Use one or more of the objects from our introductions.


Pre-pomodoro: Please tell us what you plan to work on

Maite: I´m curious- Stephanie, you were holding something in your hand, looking like a thesis?

Stephanie: It was just my notebook 🙂

Eva: I want to put down ideas for a conference abstract on organisation & inequality.

Momoyo: Reading through an introduction section I just wrote today, and adding more to it.

Hussain: I want to edit a poem I edited a bit in the morning.

Stephanie: Rereading a section towards the end of the chapter and seeing what needs to be done, then doing something! TBD

Maite: I´ll copy and edit thoughts I wrote this morning

Olga: I am coming back to my paper about recycling of painted pottery, after a long brake, so I have to see where I  am and brainstorm what to do next.

Kate: Trying to write up a skeleton of some analysis…


Post-pomodoro: Please tell us one thing you accomplished!

Stephanie: Clarified a par transitioning / introducing the last movement of the chapter

Momoyo: revised the intro section.

phil: worked on a blog Im hoping to finish v soon, on health policies

Kate: Read some notes, Scribbled some notes

Eva: I took some time to read the CFP and wrote parts of the abstract.

Maite: I’ve edited something personal and reflective I’ve just written on my notebook. First time I attempt this.

Olga: Decided I like the text that I edited last time and I don't need to revise it more.


Other topics:  
Funky notebooks! https://md.midori-japan.co.jp/en/products/mdnote/


One word poem:

Rosemary: aromatic passage tiny elephant ivory concrete table early adopter dual reality

Victoria Silwood