18th October 2022


Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.

Hilary: Hello! I live in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, USA. I am mainly a creative writer hoping to branch out into academic writing (an article)

James: James, Stockport UK, I write about and research design education.

Anita: Anita, Cape Town, academic writing on issues around how to help engineering mathematics students thrive.

Ann: Ann in Cambridge MA US I am a designer academic and based on this past weekend write reports But a trying to write small snippets

Susan: howdy all! I am in Indiana and writing a memoir, I just retired from teaching nursing and will be writing some essays about my nursing experience

Ramón: Ramón, from Melbourne, Australia (Wurundjeri land). Doing sociological academic writing.

Angelica: I'm Angelica in Houston, TX, US. My research is on second language acquisition and I also like to write about happiness - that's my writing for pleasure.

Jordan: Hi, I am Jordan in Dallas, TX - I am a medical anthropologist and am working on my dissertation chapters - research on Islamophobia and health outcomes among Muslims in the UK

Elisabeth: I'm Elisabeth from Boston. I'm an academic working currently on fellowship applications. Historian and childhood studies scholar. :)


Warm up: Play around with metonymy for 5 minutes: find some examples, pose a question, maybe come up with an example relevant to your own writing practice.
Here are some examples to get you started:
               From bench to bedside
               From womb to tomb
               From cradle to grave
               The pen is mightier than the sword

Susan: Tortoise and the hare, on the third rail, over the edge

Angelica: From abstract knowledge to concrete accomplishments

Ann: A little fuzzy >thinking of from garbage to a gem or discard to a stand-in

Anita: (Trying to play on from dusk to dawn): From trust to yawn (describing students who thought studying engineering studies was going to be fun.)

Jordan: I thought of a particular policy called hostile environment that has come to mean a whole set and environment of anti-immigrant sentiment

James: From nots to knots

Elisabeth: Breast is best; From farm to table

Hilary: From image to word

Ramón: From my machine to the world (about my research)/ from pieces to a whole (about my manuscript).


Pre-pomodoro: What do you plan to work on?

Susan: A brief essay I started at the writing workshop

Elisabeth: fellowship application

Angelica: I plan to finish drafting one paragraph that is part of a literature review section of a paper.

Jordan: section of my methods chapter

Hilary: A free write (fiction)

Ramón: I'm working on a paper that I got some revisions from the journal editor, probably one of the findings sections.

Ann: Continue writing about a plastic discarded child's chair which seems to have great meaning for me in relation to the brook where it is lodged >left over from the end of summer but I revisited it recently

Anita: A 3-5 line word problem to include in my exam.


Post-pomodoro: What did you achieve?

Jordan: I didn't realize the time and must go pick up my daughter - hope to see you all in the next meeting!!

Angelica: I finished the draft of the paragraph I wanted to write.

Hilary: Found an idea for a short story that I’d like to work on

Anita: One well-worded question! Bye all, past my bedtime now.

Ramón: It went well for me to have the extra time. I just added a new paragraph to my paper and revised some sections.

Ann: using free writing re a specific artifact, I captured connections that I have been storing within my head

James: I went panhandling. I typed up some handwritten free-writing from earlier today to see if there is any treasure. Found a sentence or two and perhaps a suitable tone that will inform an article I am currently working on.


WINDOW session:  One thing that you discussed, noticed, or learned.

James: Repetition can be useful.

Hilary: Writing routines can change over time and that’s ok

Ann: Paying attention to my audience

Susan: I do love listening to others and getting gentle feedback. I forgot how important it is!

Elisabeth: accountability is helpful and being clearer with what you want to do for your reader

Angelica: freewriting is a great writing tool

Ramón: Moving the last sentence of a paragraph up to become the topic sentence.


1 word poem

Blonde and mean: voice, task-oriented, moral infants, shining, stodgy chair, border companion

Victoria Silwood