19th September 2023

WRITESPACE STUDIO 19th September 2023

Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.

Lynne: I'm Lynne, a linguist in Brighton, England, who writes about language for both academic and non-academic audiences.

James: James, Stockport, UK and I write about design education.

Vicky: Hello! Vicky in Essex, UK, I'm a historian, working away on my second monograph

Anita: Anita from Cape Town, academic writing on using positive psychology to help my maths students succeed.

Amy: I’m Amy, currently based in London, working on a creative writing project at the moment.


Bring our voices into the room: What flavour have you tried today?

Lots of oat milk, coffee, tea, and minty flavours (leaves, sweets, and toothpaste).

Creative warm-up: 6 mins: Draft a film trailer for your research. What is the setting? Who are the characters? Is there a narrator’s voice (yours? or are you one of the characters?) What is the climax of the film? Will you hint at the resolution or leave it as a cliffhanger? Could there be a sequel?

Lynne: My fave line: “It felt dirty, but it felt so right”

Anita: I used the theme of today being International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Arrr.

Lynne: It started as a superhero film but ended a bit noir

Vicky: "Coming soon, the Victorian lodger and landlady, but not as you know it" - I then have someone knocking at the door, foreboding, but it turns out to be a friendly and familiar face looking for lodgers after being kicked out by the Mrs's.

Kate: Mine was a bit of a travel doco, with some jaws music in there...

James: The story of a complex relationship between a tutor and a sofa that changed design education forever in a tiny corner of the north of England.

Pre-pomodoro: What do you plan to work on?

Vicky: Rethinking book introduction through the lens of the camera

Lynne: I’m working on a blog post about assessing module participation

Anita: A systematic literature review on life coaching interventions

James: Working on a dramatic account of my results section.

Kate: Some analysis

Amy: I am working on a poem draft


Post-pomodoro: What is one thing that you achieved?

Vicky: I got a few sentences written on historiography

Lynne: I re-arranged things I wrote last time into something more like an introduction

Kate: A teeny tiny bit of analysis/ thinking/ scribbling notes

Amy: I did some freewriting to draw out my poem about firethorn

James: I started to build a stage. I have yet to add my actors.

Anita: I used the new version of elicit.org for the first time and created 16 columns for the analysis of 25 papers.

Vicky: James -- looking forward to seeing the sofas on the creative catalyst page! See you all next week!


One-word poem:

         Pirate Accent: Pond Children, Fiesta Voodoo

Victoria Silwood