5th April 2023

WRITESPACE STUDIO 5th april 2023

Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.

Lynne: I'm Lynne, a linguist in Brighton, England, who writes about language for both academic and non-academic audiences.

Jean: Kia ora. I'm Jean. I am a rehabilitation academic writing mostly for clinicians

 Stephanie: Hi, I'm Stephanie. I am on unceded Gadigal country (Sydney, Australia). I am finishing (manifesting) my PhD thesis on 14th century Italian iconography of the grim reaper.

 Ilaria: Hello I am Ilaria, I write from uncoded Aboriginal land between Gamay and Warren, and I am writing an article on urban landscape and the legibility of nature

Gokul: I live in India. I mostly do legal writing and academic writing. I want to start a blog.

Anne Marie: I am Anne Marie, Zooming in from Alabama US, and I do academic writing in Political Science.


Bring our voices into the room: What are you grateful for today?


Creative warm up: Free write about your current writing project:
Out of the infinite number of potential topics of interest, why am I drawn to this one? What is my connection with this topic? Why is it so magnetic to me?


Stephanie: I love the experience of deep looking over a long period of time. New elements of the works keep revealing themselves.

Anne Marie: I've always been interested in how people make a new home in different countries, either temporarily or permanently.  My research on immigrant advocacy is grounded in this very basic long-standing interest!

Jean: I wrote about finding my way back to joy through the piling-up projects!

Ilaria: At the core of why I write there is a hope to change how people connect to the city environment

Lynne: I talked myself out of my pleasure. I thought I liked my project because it’s finite, but I keep adding more bits to it!


Pre-pomodoro: What do you plan to work on?

Ilaria : landscape

Lynne: I’m going through reading notes and adding things into my paper if they belong there.

Jean: Back to where I left off last time - the introduction of a paper about concepts in rehabilitation

Stephanie: Going to think about the structure of my chapter and how I can introduce my examples without being too confusing

Anne Marie: My book project -- clarifying the introductory chapter's first two paragraphs to make my arguments/original points & contributions stand out

Gokul: A draft blog post.


Post-pomodoro: Please tell us one thing that you accomplished

Jean: 3 sentences and a rescue of the electrician

Amy: I did some journaling! It was very therapeutic

Lynne: I put in a point with a reference, I took out another one, and I thought more about how my paper needs to end (and the reading I need to do before I can end it)

Ilaria: Definition work of the type of visualisation we have developed to make landscapes legible

Anne Marie: Improvements on the structure of my introductory chapter -- bringing common pieces together in more logical and stronger sections

Gokul: I conceptualized my first blog post.

Stephanie: I worked out how to introduce the art in a way that makes sense and doesn't require a rewrite


WINDOW session:  One thing that you discussed, noticed, or learned…

Jean: putting a 'surprise' in a paragraph

Stephanie: Using different fonts for different stages of writing, so creative and fun

Amy: Expand my writing community, and do more process writing!

Anne Marie: assertion of data over the suggestion of opinions

Lynne: I’m still pondering how little theoretical background I can get away with...


One word poem

Touchstone : Tentacle Surprise Immigrant Punchy Community Cut

Victoria Silwood