5th May 2023
Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.
Lynne: I'm Lynne, a linguist in Brighton, England, who writes about language for both academic and non-academic audiences.
Angelica: I'm Angelica Ribeiro. I live in Houston, TX, USA. My academic writing is on second language acquisition, and I also like to write about happiness.
Anne Marie: Hi! I'm Anne Marie, she/her, zooming in from Alabama (Cherokee/Chikasaw territory), working on a book manuscript in political science
Anita: Anita from Cape Town, in a power cut. Academic writing on student thriving in the context of engineering mathematics
Ramón: Hello, my name is Ramón Menéndez. I live in Melbourne (Wurundjeri land), Australia. I do academic sociological writing.
Bring our voices into the room: What is one part of your writing practice that brings you joy?
Creative warm up: A guided journey into the water – You have become a merman/mermaid/merperson!
What was one thing you wrote about?
Lynne: FLOW
Anne Marie: Happy Long Retirement
Angelica: true relationships
Ramón: I picked the ‘community’ one, but ‘recognition' picked me…
Anita: breathing
Lynne: i felt like I was listening more than writing
Pre-pomodoro: What do you plan to work on?
Ramón: I’m working on a proposal.
Lynne: impolite 'please'
Angelica: I plan to draft one paragraph in the discussion section of a paper.
Anne Marie: A cleaner version of theory context for a book chapter/conference paper
Anita: I'll be joyfully ticking off reviewer comments. Sadly I will have to leave after the 1st hour as it will be 11 pm and I have another early start.
Post-pomodoro: Please tell us one thing that you accomplished
Anita: Glad to report I am down to 2 comments to deal with. Thinking of some reviewer comments as jellyfish and enjoying thinking of some of them as washed up on the beach. My eyelids are shutting, I will have to go now!
Lynne: I’ve almost finished a section. I’m going to keep tidying it during the break. But notably I did NOT do what I said was going to bring me joy and start the following section!
Angelica: I drafted more than half of the paragraph I planned to write.
Anne Marie: Finding more of my voice in the theoretical overview. Practicing writing more like a lawyer than a detective (Wendy Belcher reference!).
Lynne: actually, I think I am going to go too—I have to call my dad before bed and it’s very late here! But have a great WINDOWS session…
Ramón: I edited half of the proposal, deleting some sections, and adding new ones.
Anne Marie: I like that time clarity! I am always triple-checking that I have the right time…
Post-WINDOWs: How did that go for you? Please tell us one thing that you discussed, noticed, or learned
Helen: Marketing mantra: Talk about benefits, not features
Anne Marie: Is it a proposal formatting imperative to identify researchers as Associates vs Full Profs? I have not seen this in proposals before but I haven't looked at Fulbrights.
Anne Marie: (too much UNcertainty)
One word poem:
Jellyfish mantra: faithful movement, people first