
Maite (Spain)

[Writing experiment]

Once upon a time there was a hero called Primary Health Care (PHC), with the superpower of fighting the evil of disease and keeping population healthier and happier. Sadly, there were forces in the Universe that impede the entry of the Hero PHC into Earth, and only the Guardian of the Realm, Government Hero or Govvy, was able to open a portal for the hero to enter Earth. To open the portal, Govvy needed two magic stones: 1) the yellow stone- Absolute Public Health Spending (#), and 2) The green stone- Relative PHC Expenditure (%). Only with these two magic stones together could the Guardian open the portal for the hero PHC to save the world. So we set to find these two stones, hidden around layers of numbers and reports in dataland in Aotearoa country.

Part 1 of this story tells our journey in finding the two stones in Aotearoa. We look for them in dataland, where thousands of documents and reports are full of other stones and rocks- numbers and information, hiding the magic jewels. How would we know when we find the true jewels? They have a special shine.

The yellow stone- Public Health Expenditure is not difficult to find. It is published every year in the government budget, we know where it is, we just need to dig it from the rest of rocks around it. After we dust it, we find that it´s in good condition and shining brightly.

The green stone, relative PHC spending, is more of a hidden jewel; few know of its power and beauty, even of its existence! After a long journey across multiple lands where we have to overcome challenges and risks, we succeed in finding the yellow germ too, and we are able to bring both back together. Now the guardian can have both jewels, and this first episode will end well. But will the Guardian be able to open the portal fighting for resisting evils? For how long could the Guardian keep the portal open, will time be enough for the Hero to act its magic and save us from evils and keep us healthy?

Victoria Silwood