Animate Your Zombies

Emily (USA)

[Writing experiment]

There is so much technical jargon in my work there are a lot of zombie words to choose from. For this exercise, I settled on "jurisdictionally-specific", which has got to be a zombie word even though it's technically not a nominalization. It usually modifies a word like "data" or "assumptions" as in "data specific to a particular State or City or service area."

Character name J.D.
Who he is An actual chameleon, changing colors to match his background. J.D. is kind of a hustler, friends with everyone, slightly obnoxious, agrees with whoever is in front of him. Meticulously well groomed.
Favorite food He'll have what you're having.
Adventures World traveler, never met a hotel bar he didn't like.
Typical clothes Shiny blue suit and tie
Accessories Mirrored sunglasses and a GPS watch

This is fun! Interesting that jurisdictionally-specific data is definitely a positive thing (compared to generalized assumptions), but I made J.D. kind of a rake because the word itself is a little obnoxious.

Victoria Silwood