20th February 2023
WRITESPACE STUDIO 20th February 2023
Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.
Momoyo: Hi I'm in Japan. My name is Momoyo. I'll be editing a journal article manuscript.
James: James, Stockport, Uk and I write about design education and its people (students and academics), places (studios, the art schools, policies, and corridors), and things (curricula, materials, and dialogues).
Jose: Hola! Jose... based in Berlin… I am an Assoc Prof... mostly on Business and Sustainability….
Marie : Marie, Austin, TX, USA. Mostly Scientific writing; currently writing a book.
Eva: Hi, I am Eva, based in Northern Germany. I mostly do academic writing (education).
Vicky: morning, Vicky in Essex, UK - a historian working on my book on Victorian lodgers
Ramón: Ramón, from Melbourne, Australia (Wurundjeri land), doing sociological writing. I used to play role games with my cousins and friends, based on Lord of the Rings (from Tolkien) and The Call of Chtulu (from H. P. Lovecraft) characters and fictions.
Bring our voices into the room: Say something in a language other than English!
Creative warm up: Write about some of the childhood influences that have shaped the person you are today (5 minutes)
Jose: Stanislaw Lem: The SciFi writer whose humour and deep philosophical reflections would blow my mind; The Professors Fernando Gabucio (who would walk around with her leather suitcase) and Antonio Caparrós (who would fill the entire class with intriguing questions) both of who would inspire me to become an academic!
Helen: Growing up in a house filled to the brim with colourful artwork by the 60s/70s pop artist Corita Kent
Vicky: Late night open university programmes -- stuck in rural Norfolk during my teenage years, this gave me a world to inspire to. One on Francis Bacon brought me to London and art galleries.
Marie: Growing up in a household surrounded by books, in a small town surrounded by nature.
Gokul: Spending my childhood in another country
Momoyo: Running. As a small child, I always thought I was physically weak. But running has given me a lot of confidence as a person. I just go for a run when I need some time for myself.
Kate: Being a compulsive reader, reading anything and everything I could get my hands (and eyes) on - including junkmail, having my parents put a limit on the number of books I was allowed to take out of the library each week (I still stumble out of the library with way more books than I can carry) -- 10 per week!
Eva: Summer holidays in the Swiss mountains spending much time with reading books and writings letters and stories when I was a child
James: When I was young, I lived in a number of different places (forces kid) and I think that has driven my sociological mind – wanting to know how people, places and things unfold and I write to understand this.
Ramón: I used to play role games with my cousins and friends, based on Lord of the Rings (from Tolkien) and The Call of Chtulu (from H. P. Lovecraft) characters and fictions.
Pre-pomodoro: What do you plan to work on?
Marie: Draft a paragraph
Vicky: structure of a chapter
Kate: Editing a section/ chapter of my thesis
Momoyo: I'll be editing a manuscript.
Eva: Writing a response to reviewers
Ramón: I plan to work on a papar that I have been writing lately, probably editing some of the last paragraphs from the conclusion.
James: A concise teaching and learning summary (for my art and design department) – validation deadline looming.
Jose: Editing Abstract plus Intro of a paper in revision
Post-pomodoro: Please tell us one thing that you accomplished
Marie: Drafted a brief intro paragraph
Vicky: sorted out the structure to the second half of my chapter. I've got to head off unfortunately. Following our last session where we talked about booking someone else's office to work, I've booked an office at work on Thursday and plan to type up the draft I have written by hand (or some of it at least). sorry to be missing the window session, see you all in a couple of weeks.
Gokul: Changed a few words in a draft I’m trying to rewrite.
Momoyo: I edited an intro. section.
Jose: revised the abstract and refined the first paragraphs of a paper to be edited
James: Three hundred wild words about assessment.
Eva: Drafted a response to reviewers.
Ramón: I reviewed my paper's last paragraph.
Kate: Read through some sections I have been editing for a while to see if the new structure works, and tinkered with some words/ sentences/ paragraphs... I am going to head off (to bed!). Nice to see/ meet everyone. Take care, Kate
WINDOW session: Please tell us one thing that you discussed, noticed, or learned.
Helen: Erroneous Cadence
1 word poem:
Mysterious question beauty global vignette