27th September 2023

WRITESPACE STUDIO 27th September 2023

Please introduce yourself by telling us where you live (country, city/state/region) and what kind of writing you do.

Rena: Rena here, I’m in Ottawa, Canada. I do academic writing in the field of communication and media studies.

Sarah: Hello! I’m Sarah, American historian writing both creatively and academically from the Hudson Valley of New York State.

Libby: Hi, I’m Libby, in Richmond VA, writing mostly creative nonfiction right now though I’m also a literary critic

Pam: Hi, Pam here, on Jaara country, in central Victoria, Australia. I’m a social work researcher.

Stephanie: Hello everyone! I'm Stephanie on unceded Gadigal country (Sydney, Australia). I'm trying to finish / manifest my PhD thesis this year on the iconography of the Triumph of Death in fourteenth century Italy.

Creative warm-up: Free write off the page or in a strange shape. Embody movement! For inspiration, see Sophie Nicholl’s series of spiral poems.

Pre-pomodoro: What do you plan to work on?

Lynne: I want to make some forward progress on a CPD blog post about assessment

Pam: I’m planning to write the movement piece I should have done during the week.

Rena: I’m working on re-evaluating the evidence I’ve collected for a journal article

Stephanie: I hope to finish off inserting the (figure X) markers and putting together the image list for this chapter so I can submit it today before my trip!

Amy: I plan to do some poetry drafting

Kate: I am going to do something that has nothing to do with ‘work’ ⭐ something to do with movement and holidays and creativity 🐙

Sarah: I’m going to write what comes, our dog is critically ill, so I’ve been all over the place this week?!

Amy: Good idea Sarah, please use the time however you need to. Reflective writing maybe...or if nothing comes, maybe do some stretching (also a good use of the time), there's no pressure :)

Libby: Trying to get back into the project that I’ve put aside for the past few weeks, so I will write what I can

Post-pomodoro: How did that go for you? What is one thing you achieved?

Rena: I completed going over all of my evidence and started writing about the overall argument

Stephanie: Got through 2 pages worth of images; 8 pages to go!

Amy: I was writing a poem, creative free writing too.

Lynne: a bit of splitting/rearranging previously written paragraphs and the beginning of a new paragraph

Sarah: I did some free writing about how liberating this retreat was for my writing!

Pam: I managed a couple of paragraphs for a chapter.

Libby: Read over some fragments that I’ve been working on and started a new little bit about a related topic

Kate: I free-wrote a few pages in my notebook about my holiday

Stephanie: Sorry everyone, I need to run to finish off this chapter and pack for my trip. Thanks everyone, and to Amy!

Kate: I am off to the beach ⭐ enjoy the rest of the session (and your holiday Steph!)

Lynne: I’m going to go, as it’s late here, but thanks for the excuse to get a bit of writing done 🙂

WINDOWS Session:

Rena: Saidiya Hartman, https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/605415/wayward-lives-beautiful-experiments-by-saidiya-hartman/9780393285673

One-word poem:

Female voices ROAR, Images spiral, carry on

Victoria Silwood