Posts in January 2022
Write Now!
Paper collage by Helen Sword

Collage by Helen Sword


Run your eyes down along the line of glass jewels in this collage, from the top left-hand side of the image to the bottom right. That's what you probably wish your writing process felt like: an effortless, gravity-assisted flow.

Now take your gaze the other way, from the bottom right to the top left. For most writers, that what writing really feels like. It's an uphill climb.

But the news isn't all bad.

Climbing a mountain can be a joyful, even exhilarating, experience: the higher you go, the clearer the air and the better the view. What's more, there are steps that you can take, right now, to strengthen your muscles, improve your equipment, and lighten your load. Best of all, you don't need to make that climb alone.

Early-bird registration is now open for the Stylish Writing Intensive, my flagship program for academic, professional, and creative writers who want to take their writing to the next level in the shortest possible period of time. I call it a "virtual writing retreat," but it's really a writing accelerator. In just three intensive days of advanced writing and editing workshops, small-group coaching, dedicated writing time, and hands-on personal feedback, I can help you take your writing from stodgy to stylish or from "already excellent" to "even better": crisper, sharper, more engaging.

The next iteration of the Stylish Writing Intensive runs for 3 days between March 31 - April 3 (the exact timing depends on your location and time zone). I would love to see you there! If you're not sure whether this program is right for you, I invite you to contact me to book a free 15-minute Zoom consultation.

Past participants have recommended that you treat the Stylish Writing Intensive just as you would a residential writing retreat: book those three days out in your calendar, turn off your phone, cancel all other appointments, and, if funding allows, rent a hotel room or Airbnb to mimimize distraction.

And speaking of funding: Check out my blog post on "Writing for Writing Grants" below or watch this video for advice from Stylish Writing Intensive alum Professor Karim Khan on how to write a persuasive funding application for your institution or line manager.

What are you waiting for?

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Changing Your Stripes

Zebra collage by Helen Sword

January 2022

Happy New Year!  So how are those New Year's resolutions going so far?  If you're like most writers, you've already let many of them fall by the wayside just a few short weeks into the year.  

Changing your stripes is hard.

What if, rather than trying to turn yourself into a different kind of writer altogether, you were to fill in the blank spaces between your stripes or spots with new words, new patterns, new colors?  

Here are three achievable resolutions for 2022 that any writer can aspire to:

  1. Learn something new. Read a book, take a course, sign up for a writing retreat, join a supportive writing community such as the WriteSPACE.

  2. Try something new. Experiment with style, dabble in an unfamiliar genre, invite a colleague to co-author an article with you. Take a risk with your writing, however modest, and see what happens.

  3. Write with pleasure. What happens when you append the words "with pleasure" to your writing-related tasks -- even the unpleasurable ones? "I'm going to start working on my literature review today . . . with pleasure." "I've got a stack of undergraduate essays to mark today . . . with pleasure." Sometimes just a small act of reframing can help you see things in a new way.

This website offers a wide range of resources that can help you learn as a writer, grow as a writer, and enjoy being a writer.  Check out the upcoming events page if you're ready to get started. 

Subscribe here to Helen’s Word on Substack to access the full Substack archive and receive weekly subscriber-only newsletters (USD $5/month or $50/year).

WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year). Not a member? Join the WriteSPACE now and get your first 30 days free.