Posts tagged March 2023
Leylines & Lifelines

My new Pleasure Catalyst has just started, and I couldn't be more excited!  

Writers from around the globe are joining me for six weeks of workshops, activities, and online discussion focusing on the delectable theme of writing with pleasure. Our participant list includes academic, professional, and creative writers in Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and all across the United States.

Together we'll be exploring research-based strategies for excavating past pleasures, amplifying existing pleasures, and discovering new sources of pleasure in writing. My goal is to help the course participants become more productive and resilient writers so they can flourish in all aspects of their writing life, both professional and personal.  

We'll also cast light on the shadow side of our writing-related emotions, bringing our brightest sources of pleasure into relief against the darkness, as in a chiaroscuro painting.

Our first weekly module, Leylines and Lifelines, opened up multiple lines of inquiry via the sinuous metaphor of lines:

  • What leylines (invisible lines of energy) run through the landscape of your writing life?

  • What lifelines can you trace in the palm of your hand and reach for when you need rescuing?

  • What desire lines (intuitive pathways) and horizon lines (distant destinations) draw you forward?

From there, we'll be moving through a shapeshifting sequence of other resonant writing metaphors:

  • Module 2: Ground & Sky
    (on the pleasures of analog, digital, and hybrid writing tools);

  • Module 3: Wind, River, Stone
    on the pleasures of brainstorming, drafting, and crafting);

  • Module 4: Star Navigation
    (on the pleasures of finding your own stars to steer by);

  • Module 5: Chiaroscuro
    (on the interplay of light and shadow in your writing-related emotions);

  • Module 6: Island Time
    (on the pleasures of diving deep, taking time out, and wading through the wetlands between the sea and the shore of your writing life). 

Here's what one of our participants told us about her reasons for enrolling in the course: 

  • I have been so grateful for all the learnings I have taken from the Productivity Catalyst last year  –  it has really transformed the way I approach academic writing  –  and had some great life lessons as well. I realised that it is possible to enjoy writing  –  wow! And that writing more creatively is fun and nourishing. So I am excited to see where this course takes me. (Kate, New Zealand)

The Pleasure Catalyst will run again in 2023. In the meantime, you can read about our full Writing Catalyst series here.

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Skills for Scholars

Did you spot the birds and bunnies in this paper collage? How about Winston Churchill, glowering behind the rose-colored glasses? 

Sometimes we rush so quickly through our daily lives that we forget to pause, look, listen, and learn. In Steve Covey's memorable metaphor, we resemble woodcutters laboring to fell a tree with a dull-bladed saw, when what we really need to do is stop to refresh our gaze and sharpen our saw.

For this WriteSPACE special event held on March 22 , I invited three saw-sharpening experts to help you refocus on honing your writing skills by telling us about their recently published books on workplace writing, grant writing, and book proposal writing, respectively:

  • Martha B. Coven introduced Writing on the Joba compact guide to professional writing that covers workplace genres from emails and slide decks to proposals and cover letters. 

  • Betty S. Lai talked about The Grant Writing Guidea practical guide to effective grant writing for researchers at all stages of their academic careers.

  • Laura Portwood-Stacer discussed The Book Proposal Book, a step-by-step guide to crafting a compelling scholarly book proposal and seeing your book through to successful publication.

We also heard from Matt Rohal, the acquisitions editor for Princeton University Press's Skills for Scholars series. Launched in 2021 and aimed at a new generation of scholars from diverse backgrounds, the series encourages "a fresh viewpoint, a honing of skills, a way of combining established principles with new practices, a burst of inspiration, and a thoughtful perspective on academic and professional pathways."

Below is WriteSPACE Event Manager Amy Lewis’ first-person account of the live event.


Hearing from our wonderful special guests about cultivating diverse writing skills was extremely motivating. This session highlighted the impressive range of depth, flexibility, and agility of the books in the Skills for Scholars series. We talked about several touchstone texts to come back to again and again.

A few standout quotes from this session: 

  • “Books are tools, companions, and resources that energise you in the rest of your work.”

  • “Everybody has the chance to get support for important ideas. This now means we will hear better ideas and can think more clearly about problems that affect all of us.”

  • “When giving feedback, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!”

Matt Rohal introduced the series and talked about how to expand the boundaries of what might constitute ‘core’ skills for writers. These books are not just for academic scholars, he noted; they unearth new perspectives and uplift underrepresented voices to offer well-rounded advice for writers of all kinds.

The architecture of the series covers four main areas: communication (which includes writing), research, teaching and learning, and professional development. The books of our three guest authors each tackle different areas of professional writing and how to get your work supported from day one.

Martha Coven’s Writing on the Job really is a book for everyone—it traverses how to write professionally in wide-ranging private sector communications, from the basics to the nitty-gritty writing of presentations, speeches, press releases, resumes, and more. I loved Martha's rejection of the ‘one-size-fits-all approach’ to writing; her book abounds with diverse options and templates to suit all writers and writing cultures. Martha also shared her number one fundamental skill for writing: “Bottom line up front.” In other words, don’t wait until the final paragraph or the tenth slide to reveal the key message. You’re writing a business communication, not a mystery novel!

Laura Portwood-Stacer’s The Book Proposal Book aims to erase the anxiety from writing book proposals. I found her thoughts on giving motivating, constructive feedback very insightful. Laura’s book is not just for scholars but will help all non-fiction authors. She encouraged us to think about the presentation of our work (in a meta way!), not just the content of it. There is an art to making complex ideas translatable, so spend some time considering your project's marketing.

Betty Lai’s The Grant Writing Guide demystifies the grant-writing process and charts some of the ethics and politics of getting funding. Betty revealed some hard truths about the necessity of grant writing, and how her own experiences helped her gain access to this skill. In fact, accessibility has always been a key consideration for her. It’s no secret that funders worldwide have unconscious biases, including race, gender, and age. Increasing access for all writers to this skill has been very fulfilling for her, and it was inspiring hearing her speak with such passion.

In the second hour, Helen guided us through a workshop with some exercises suggested by the three guest authors. Feel free to try them yourself!

Martha suggests an exercise for staying true to the work and not overreaching when pitching your ideas:

  • Consider your audience - answer these questions: (1) who are they; (2) what do they know; and (3) what do they care about?

  • Use your voice - if you're feeling stuck, tell another person what it is you're trying to write about.

  • Write an elevator pitch - to hone in on the essence of what you're trying to communicate, draft the 1-minute (120-150 word) speech you'd give if you were riding in an elevator with someone you wanted to inform or influence on this topic.

Betty recommends a writing exercise that she learned from Dr. Emily Lattie, a researcher at Northwestern University. Emily says start small and ask:

  • What is the outcome of this work?

  • And if everything goes well, what’s the biggest potential impact of that outcome?

  • And if that outcome happened, what’s the biggest impact of that outcome?

Laura offers some fundamental free-writing (or free-thinking!) prompts:

  • What made you interested in writing about this topic in the first place?

  • What people, places, and things do you describe in the book?

  • Why do your research findings matter?

  • Who should read this book? How will they benefit from doing so?

  • What’s the main thing you want readers to understand when they finish your book?

  • How did you conduct the research for this book?

  • What does this book add to current scholarly conversations or even conversations happening beyond the academy?

  • What makes this book special?

  • Why are you the right person to write this book?

  • What’s the most interesting story from your research? Why is it interesting?

This guided workshop certainly gave us many writing challenges to feel inspired by and to shape the way we think about our potential and emerging projects.

A big thank you to Matt, Martha, Laura, Betty, and Helen for sharing their intellectual biographies, their passion and expertise, and their advice so openly during this special session.


A recording of this two-part WriteSPACE Special Event is now available in the WriteSPACE Library.

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