Writing and Rationality
Collage of pinking shears and pinked scraps of paper

I couldn't resist using a pair of pinking shears to create this paper collage, in homage to my recent WriteSPACE Special Event guest Steven Pinker, the Johnstone Family Professor in Psychology at Harvard University.

The English verb pink, which dates back to the 14th century, means "pierce, stab, make holes in."  But the purpose of pinking shears is not destructive -- quite the opposite.  The zigzag pattern of the blades prevents woven cloth from fraying and produces a decorative edge reminiscent of the common garden flowers called pinks.  

Steven Pinker's prose style, likewise, is incisive yet elegant, hole-punching yet healing, piercing yet humane.  Whether you know him as a distinguished psycholinguist, a fearless social commentator, a consummate prose stylist, or all of the above, I hope you'll be as pleased as I was that he gave up an hour and a half of his precious sabbatical leave to visit us in the WriteSPACE on May 4.

In the first 90 minutes of this live 2-hour Special Event, I engaged Steve in a wide-ranging conversation about his background and evolution as a writer, his personal and professional sense of style, and -- with a nod toward his most recent book, Rationality -- the role of rationality in academic and professional writing.  The final half hour featured a hands-on “reverse engineering” workshop inspired by his 2015 book, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century.  

Here are some comments made by last week's Virtual Writing Studio participants about the Pinking Shears collage, before I revealed that it had anything to do with Steven Pinker:

  • Marie (Texas, USA):
    Crafting, assembling, designing… Piece by piece, square by square, a mission is underway and a new world unfolds. We will wake up to a newly fashioned environment; not a moment too soon.

  • Nina (Brisbane, Australia):
    A wedding planner swimming! Karen Barad's agential realism uses the concept of "cut-together-apart."

  • Lorna (Scotland, UK):
    I like the jigsaw-like qualities of the pinked edges.

  • Lynne (Brighton, UK):
    The serration creates more edge surface on the blade, which concentrates its cutting power. Compacted, it does more.

  • Anita (Cape Town, South Africa):
    Snipping work into bite sized chunks is a strategy to move work forward.

  • Vicky (Essex, UK):
    It reminds me of how I edited my PhD -- I would restructure by printing out, cutting up, and sticking together.

  • Hussain (Indonesia):
    Lies against purple background with its mouth wide open from exhaustion.

  • Eva (Germany):
    Rethinking a journal article: the open scissors point different directions the article could go; the black frame for requiring a clear framework; and the paper fragments and flowers for playing around creatively with ideas.

  • Ramón (Melbourne, Australia):
    It’s a puzzle, any piece can be matched with any other. Since they are all the same form, there is not just one solution.

And here is WriteSPACE member Nina Ginsberg’s lively account of the live event:


I found the discussion between Helen Sword and Steven Pinker insightful and inspiring. A few standout ideas for me were Steven’s observations that most writers don't consult style manuals, they consume good prose and devote attention to why it is good, clear and affecting writing – and by default these people assimilate an inventory of good writing. Another gem was Pinker’s comment that at university, it is not the undergraduates that are the ‘bad writers’, but the (post)grads, because they are often drawing on jargon from a small clique of scholars and need to ‘prove their work’ so it is often very hedged and qualified (that's me!). As a teacher, I was impressed with Pinker’s generosity in sharing his Rationality class materials. This made me reflect on alternative ways scholars, teachers and writers can share their work beyond mainstream publication. 

A few other takeaways I garnered were: that Pinker avoids using parenthetical; he is conscious that every new equation included in a book ‘cuts the readership in half’; he harnesses the power of well-placed jokes, humour and concrete, relatable, witty examples to highlight specific concepts...and as always...he knows the importance of having a good ending to paragraphs. At one stage, Pinker mused about the many spatial and temporal contours of prepositions (you fill in a form, but also fill a form out) and that ‘up’ has a completion and vertical ‘sense’ about it...what Pinker called a ‘spectral sense’. I enjoy listening in to other writers ‘think out loud’ like this my favorite example of this is a private recording of Dr Oliver Sacks trying to find the right words as he writes.

*In my draft of this piece, I had this phrase originally in parenthesis, but took it out as a homage to Pinker, but then realized I needed parenthesis if I were to include this annotation in-text, so I popped it here. (Oh, the irony!) ...and there they are again. - argghh! I tried Steven! Your ideas on writing continue to challenge me! NG.

Later on, the conversation turned to Pinker's writing process. He outlined his 6-stage drafting process which included a brain dump, a ‘frankenchapter’ (a term I love and will be using with relish!), sending it his mum to read as she is his trusted go to non-academic reader-feedbacker, then after a few more drafts, he does one last, slow edit for reasoning at the end to improve the prose. To wrap up, Steven shared a few sample texts and explained the deliberate techniques he embedded in the writing and organization. This metathinking about how writers use words, logic and literary devices is what keeps me coming back to WriteSPACE events like this!  

A big thanks to Helen and Steven for sharing their time, expertise and ideas so generously. If you did not attend or have not yet watched the recording, make a cup of tea, get comfortable and enjoy this wonderful discussion about writing and rationality. 


And a big thanks to you, Nina, for sharing your comments! A video of my conversation with Steven Pinker is now available for members in the WriteSPACE Library.

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Better yet, join the WriteSPACE with a free 30 day trial, and access our full Library of videos and other writing resources.

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Weighty Words

Last week, I received an email from John in North Carolina with the subject line "Love the tool, hate the metaphor":

  • Dear Professor Sword,

    I enjoy reading your work and love using the Writer's Diet tool. However, I did want to share my extreme hesitation to use this with my classes. The idea of lean vs. flabby prose promotes a fat-phobic environment. I try to cultivate a place where writers of all sizes feel comfortable, including mentioning in class that the writer's diet is unnecessarily fattist. Have you ever considered updating the image with something more affirming or neutral?

I replied as I usually do, thanking John for taking the time to write and offering a few comments and suggestions:

  1. The phrase "flabby or fit" is meant to refer to muscles, not to body types, and the overall message is a positive, health-focused one: If you want to develop strong muscles, it's best to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly; likewise, if you want to develop strong sentences, you need build them up with good, nutritious words (not empty calories/clutter) and put them through a vigorous workout.

  2. If, despite this explanation, you and your students still disapprove of the Diet and Fitness metaphor, you can use the blue Settings wheel to change the theme: for example, to Clear Skies ("cloudy or clear?"), Solid Ground ("swampy or solid?"), or Clean House ("cluttered or clear"?).  

  3. Ideally, the online Writer's Diet test should be used as a supplement to the book, not as a stand-alone tool.  At the very least, I would encourage you and your students to spend some time reading my free online User Guide, which explains the key principles behind the test and offers lots of handy hints for getting the most from the tool.

  4. Members of my WriteSPACE virtual writing community get access to a premium version of the Writer's Diet test that produces a customized Action Plan for every sample submitted -- using their preferred theme, of course!  You can try out the Writer's Diet Plus tool by using the discount code WRITERSDIET to get your first month of membership for free.  

But John's question got me thinking. What other metaphors for writing and editing do writers frequently employ, and which of these, like the Writer's Diet, might be open to ontological critique?  

  • Cognitive load:  If you attended my WriteSPACE Special Event last week with psycholinguist Steven Pinker, you'll have heard us talk about cognitive load, a phrase used by psychologists to describe the amount of working memory required by the brain to complete a given task. Long, difficult sentences -- those filled with abstract language, disciplinary jargon, parenthetical phrases, subordinate clauses, and the like -- place a heavy cognitive load on our readers, thereby sapping their mental energy and reducing their comprehension. 

  • Left-branching vs. right-branching sentences:  In an illuminating blog post titled How to Write a More Compelling Sentence, Inger Mewburn (aka the Thesis Whisperer) explains the difference between what linguists call "right-branching" versus "left-branching" sentences: right-branchers start with a subject-verb-object cluster and then add supplementary information, whereas left-branchers pile on all the extras before we even know what the sentence is about. Steven Pinker offers this example of a left-branching sentence, the subject of which, policymakers, does not appear until more than halfway through: "Because most existing studies have examined only a single stage of the supply chain, for example, productivity at the farm, or efficiency of agricultural markets, in isolation from the rest of the supply chain, policymakers have been unable to assess how problems identified at a single stage of the supply chain compare and interact with problems in the rest of the supply chain."  (Steven Pinker, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century). 

  • The Lard Factor: In his book Revising Prose, Richard Lanham encourages writers to calculate the Lard Factor of an edited piece of prose by subtracting the number of words in the edited sentence from the number of words in the original, then dividing the difference by the original.  For example, if we were to trim the 63-word behemoth quoted above down to 43 words, the Lard Factor (or percentage of excess words eliminated) would be 32%. 

Viewed through a certain kind of critical lens, all of these metaphors are problematic. Cognitive load suggests that light is good, heavy is bad.  The branching sentences metaphor depicts right as good and left as bad (a sinister sign of an implicit bias against left-handed people?) Lanham's Lard Factor exercise labels lean as good and fatty as bad (another "fattist" metaphor?) 

Yet each of these metaphors also reflects a physical reality.  Heavy loads are harder to lift than light ones; the English-speaking brain favors sentences that read, like words on the page, from left to right; lean meat is healthier to eat than fatty meat (unless you're a vegetarian, in which case you probably find the entire Lard Factor metaphor deeply unappealing).

Metaphors can shape us or empower us, lift us up or let us down.  Arthur Quiller-Couch infamously urged writers to murder your darlings -- that is, to commit infanticide against your most cherished sentences.  But we don't need to succumb to that kind of self-punitive advice; nor should we confuse a healthy diet of well-chosen words with an anxiety-inducing starvation diet.  Editing can be a joyful act, with affirmational metaphors to match.

That woman about to be crushed by weighty words?  Take another look.  Maybe that falling boulder is a beachball filled with air, and she's playing beach volleyball!    

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Writing, Writing Everywhere
a typewriter on a bench in a field

Greetings from Sydney, Australia -- the first time I've travelled overseas since late 2019.  It feels amazing (and strange) to have my wings on again! 

Back in early 2020, I had recently returned home from travels to South America and all around the South Pacific, and I had upcoming trips planned to North America, Australia, and Europe -- journeys that never came to pass.  Instead, along with hundreds of millions of people worldwide, I found myself locked down out at home, facing an uncertain future and wondering how to go on writing.  

In early April 2020, I invited fellow writers from across the globe to contribute to an online gallery called "Writing in the Time of Covid-19."  You sent me photographs of your computer desks and garden tables, your coffee mugs and keyboard-hogging cats, your wide yet narrow views to the outside world. 

Wendi (USA) included a child and a dog in her photo: "Writing during COVID-19 means I have more company in my writing space."  Juliet (Australia) set herself up to read next to her husband's grave: "Very peaceful and easy to maintain distance from (living) people."  Ineke (UK) improvised an ingenious writing desk constructed from her boyfriend's ironing board.  

Now it's time for a follow-up exhibit: "Writing, Writing Everywhere"! 

Please send me your photos of where you're writing now: the cafe tables, garden benches, and mountaintops where you couldn't go to write at the height of the pandemic two years ago.  

The submission portal will close on May 31. After that, I'll launch our new Writing, Writing Everywhere gallery with an invitation for you to visit online and vote for your favorite photo and caption.

The winner will receive a signed copy of my book Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write (which contains a whole chapter about writing spaces). That's right: I'll send you a hardback, slip-covered, snail-mailed copy of a real book that you can carry with you wherever you go to write.

Here's my submission to the Writing, Writing Everywhere gallery: a photo of the spot where I drafted this post. I can't wait to see yours!

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Digital Writing Tools
figures representing various digital tools

Do you use digital tools to improve your writing, or do your digital tools use you? How often do you stop to think about why, how, and when popular editing tools such as Grammarly should be trusted -- or not? If you're a teacher, supervisor, or manager, do you actively encourage your students and/or employees to interrogate the algorithms and assumptions behind such tools?

All of these questions, and more, were addressed during my lively conversation with Dr. Evija Trofimova, creator and curator of the playful Digital Writing Tools resource site, on April 13.

In the first hour of this two-hour event, Evija and I discussed the affordances, flaws, and redeeming features of various digital writing and editing tools, and Evija gave us a guided tour of her charming-yet-critical, stylish-yet-serious website. In the second hour, Evija and I facilitated a hands-on workshop focusing on the pros and cons of five well-known algorithmic tools: Microsoft Editor, Grammarly, ProWritingAid, the Hemingway App, and my very own Writer's Diet test. (We skipped Ginger, which now sits mostly behind a not-very-friendly paywall).

In the second half of the session, we had an opportunity to move into break-out rooms and explore the free version of each writing tools to test their idiosyncrasies, functionality, and usefulness. Our aim was to find out which features worked, which were limiting, which were surprising, and what changed in the results. We then regrouped to share our experiences and what we had discovered.

Some participants noted that the tools can increase curiosity about language and that some surface-level grammatical corrections can be helpful. Other participants pointed to lesser-known features such as “inclusiveness,” which may register different conventions when filters were changed from formal to casual. One group stressed that these are awareness-raising tools, not didactic “answers,” so it’s important to issue a warning to students about the pitfalls of relying on them solely as ‘correction’ tools. A few people mentioned that usability relies on who is using a tool and for what purposes: for example, a naive student using it for a surface level scan as opposed to a professional copy editor revising a monograph. Comparing the tools brought into relief the sensitivity, scope and utility of each tool - for example, one tool might pick up a certain issue, whereas another did not register it at all. We also considered developer changes over time, the impact of “software rot,” and the differences between free, basic, and premium versions. 

A few participants mentioned that users need to be judicious in accepting changes, remaining aware of what the tool can do and how to use it. (No tool is a cure-all!). Also, some tools (such as ProWritingAid) have a huge range of options which might be useful for some writers but overwhelming for others. Although these tools identify problem areas and flag issues, the degree to which each tool actually helps writers put to work the results and statistics generated was challenged; writers need to learn to integrate and improve their expression as part of their writing process when not using the tool. Several teachers who took part in the discussion highlighted the importance of using these tools critically rather than encouraging students to take up the corrections indiscriminately. When used well, these tools can be invaluable in building confidence as well as criticality. 

You may wish to have a play with the free versions of these tools, which you can access using the links above. In several cases, it could be worth your while to download a free app (e.g. the Writer's Diet add-in for MS Word), sign up for a free trial to test a more advanced version of the tool (e.g. ProWritingAid's Microsoft integration), or check whether your university or company has an institutional subscription (e.g. for Grammarly).

Participants also recommended the following tools:

Perfect English Grammar (Grammar checker)

PerfectIt - (paid Editing software)

Readability Statistics (part of Microsoft Word package)

A video of my conversation with Evija is now available in the WriteSPACE Library.

Not a member yet? Register here to receive an email with the video link.

Better yet, join the WriteSPACE with a free 30 day trial, and access our full Library of videos and other writing resources.

Subscribe here to Helen’s Word on Substack to access the full Substack archive and receive weekly subscriber-only newsletters (USD $5/month or $50/year).

WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year).

Collage Quilt
4 paper collages quilted together

Today I offer you a puzzle, a poem, and a prompt.

The puzzle

I've assembled a quilt from four of the striking cut-paper collages produced by participants in my online "Collage Making for Writers" workshop back in February. Each was assembled in a matter of minutes using materials that its creator had readily to hand.

Can you match the collages with the artists?  

  1. Writing for me is shooting for the stars, but sometimes being a whirling dervish. The collage sits on my mantle piece and reminds me to take a breath and enjoy the world around me.
    (Jenny Bassett, simulation facilitator and lecturer at the Shepparton Campus of the La Trobe Rural Health School of Nursing and Midwifery, Australia)

  2. The space for writing is a blooming shelter where the inner child plays with colours while protected by ancestral wisdom.
    (Catalina Ortiz, associate professor of urban planning and design at University College London)

  3. The title of my collage is "Revival." The picture is an attempt to raise awareness about the environment.
    (Meriem Guerilli, lecturer in the Département de lettre et langues étrangères at the Université 20 août 1955-Skikda in Algeria)

  4. Sometimes, words and ideas are like a tangled dense jungle: something to wrestle through or to patiently unravel, de-knot, smooth out. The crystal prose I’m trying to unearth? It's all there amidst the seeming chaos.
    (Elaine Lunn, Assistant Professor of Health Services & Systems Research at Duke-NUS, Singapore)

The poem

The artists' blurbs, in turn, inspired me to write a collage-like poem:

Collage Making for Writers

unearthing the crystal prose
of ancient wisdom

shooting for the stars
through a tangled jungle

whirling like a dervish
in a blooming shelter

vivid + real

The prompt

Now it's your turn to make a collage, a quilt, or a poem -- or even a collage-quilt-poem -- from words, images, and ideas that you find around you. 

Start by gathering whatever snippets of paper or fragments of text catch your eye, without worrying too much about their meaning or coherence.  Then assemble them into a composition that gives you visual or verbal pleasure.  It's that simple.

But there's another step to the process: the meaning-making stage.  This is when you step back from your creation and let it tell you everything you didn't know you know.

Notice how the pink bunny and the white elephants are moving in the same direction, upwards and onwards? How the potted plant that obscures the child's head resembles a giant eyeball?  How flowers, plants, words, and repeated patterns find their way into every image?  There's another poem there somewhere -- and, no doubt, another collage that could be constructed in response to the images in my found poem.  

Creative exercises like these can help you limber up your mind and sharpen your senses in preparation for more "serious" academic or professional writing. They invite you to experiment, explore, and take note of unexpected juxtapositions that may in turn inspire new revelations.

Warm thanks to Jenny (upper left), Catalina (bottom right), Meriem (bottom left), and Elaine (upper right) for generously sharing their collages.

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Write Like Freddie!

Valentine’s Day collage by Helen Sword


If you've attended any of my live Zoom events, you've probably met my dog Freddie, a snow-white bichon frise with a sweet disposition and a jaunty tail.  (Warm thanks to our 9-year-old neighbor Nouriyah for her lifelike drawing).  

No, Freddie doesn't spend long hours at the keyboard as I do.  But he's taught me a lot about how to live, breathe, and flourish as a writer.  

Here are 10 lessons about writing (and life) that I've learned from Freddie. 

1. Always dress for the occasion.

For Freddie, that means wearing a pink bowtie to my birthday party. For me, it means adjusting my writing style to reach my target audience.

2. Don't take yourself too seriously.

Peter and Anna sent this photo from Germany to show Freddie how silly he looks when sculpted out of snow. I guess I'd look pretty silly too.

3. Do yoga. Every day.

Freddie is especially good at the downward-facing dog pose; he also excels at savasana (corpse pose). I wish I had his flexibility and core strength!

4. Take your writing for a walk.

Freddie pulls me out the door several times a day. Every step we take together loosens up my limbs, my thoughts, and my words.

5. Write with friends.

I took this photo while on a writing retreat with my friend and collaborator Selina Tusitala Marsh -- and Freddie, of course. Writing can be a lonely business unless we open up and let others share our space.

6. Stay warm.

And keep your writing warm by touching your words every day, even if only for a brief pat. (Thank you to Sophie Nicholls for this lovely metaphor.)

7. Chill out.

Freddie has mastered the art. I'm still working on it -- especially when I've got a writing dilemma to solve or a deadline to meet.

8. Don't panic when things get messy.

That sticky black sand (and those sticky sentences, that cloying self-doubt) will all brush out eventually.

9. When in doubt, take a nap.

In Freddie's case, that means multiple naps throughout the day. For me, a short 30-minute kip works best to refresh my body and reset my writing brain.

10. Your fatal flaw may also be your superpower!

Freddie hates being left alone and loves to cuddle. He's the most anxious pet I've ever owned -- but also the most affectionate. How can I reframe my own anxieties and flaws and recognize them as my superpowers instead? (Agonizingly slow writer = craft-focused writer. Vulnerable writer = human writer. Etcetera . . . )

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WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year). Not a member? Join the WriteSPACE now and get your first 30 days free.

What's Your Writing Roadblock?

Valentine’s Day collage by Helen Sword


This shimmering collage, with images by artist Corita Kent and words by poet Bernard Gunther, invites us to think creatively about the barriers that hold us back from taking flight.

How can you move past the "Do Not Enter" signs in your writing life and soar into the future, unencumbered by doubt or fear? How can you turn your avoid dance into a void dance, a celebration of possibilities?

To help you answer these questions, I've designed a new quiz that identifies your writing roadblocks and helps you refocus on the writing goals that inspire you. Get your personalized roadmap to pleasurable, productive writing -- and have some fun along the way.

This new tool is part of my ongoing effort to provide playful, craft-centered writing resources for writers in any genre and at any stage of their career.

See you on the other side!

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WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year). Not a member? Join the WriteSPACE now and get your first 30 days free.

Writing to Connect

Valentine’s Day collage by Helen Sword


Only connect the poetry and the prose, and both will be exalted.
(E. M. Forster, Howard's End, 1910)

I was honoured and delighted to run this serendipitous WriteSPACE Special Event — a lively, wide-ranging conversation on the theme of “Writing to Connect” with singer-songwriter-author Amanda Palmer — on Tuesday, March 22.

If you're not already familiar with Amanda as the frontwoman of the legendary indie-punk band The Dresden Dolls, perhaps you're among the millions of people who have watched her amazing TED talk on the Art of Asking; or maybe you've read her New York Times best-selling book of the same title; or you might remember hearing about her as the first artist ever to raise more than one million dollars from a Kickstarter campaign.

With Amanda dressed in a flowing kimono and clutching her trusty ukelele, we sat on the sofa in my Auckland study and talked (and sang and riffed) for nearly two hours about authorship, social media, and the art of connecting with various kinds of audiences.

WriteSPACE member Nina Ginsberg captured the conversation:

For this month’s special event, we had over 200 people attend a lively discussion with special guest Amanda Palmer. As a musician and songwriter, Amanda is a solo artist and collaborator and best known for her work with The Dresden Dolls, Evelyn Evelyn, and more recently as Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra.  Amanda is also a well-known author, performer, creative, crowdfunder, collaborator, influencer and public speaker.

After a warm ukulele welcome song, we heard about Amanda’s extensive, explicit and experimental forays connecting art and audience. She and Helen covered a huge range of topics, with a focus on creating, making, and connecting to audience(s). There was much to talk about and the attendees were very engaged. Throughout the session, the chat was overflowing with ideas, suggestions, resources, encouragement and questions and we ended up (happily) going over time.

Amanda explained that she sees her artistic practice as a house. The outside street is ‘the world’, the space where artists sell and share their work. The foyer is where social media resides; the forward-facing living room is ‘the artspace’ where Amanda spends time creating and making; and the kitchen out back, where she takes time to reflect and recharge, is the place where she invites her most trusted supporters. (For Amanda these are her Patreons). The kitchen is a place located away from the world (street) where you can sit with friends at the end of the night with a glass of wine and review the day with support and honesty. It is the kitchen that reveals the process. (See the recording in the WriteSPACE Library to hear Amanda’s full description of this metaphor).

 From there, Amanda and Helen discussed:

  • inpaid labour and creative work as the common ground between artists and academics

  • life lessons from anxious dogs

  • using social media to build and connect to audiences

  • how long (and how much effort) it takes to ‘make/create/write a thing’ versus how long it takes to share and promote it

  • writing for academics, non-academics and the role of blogs, social media and the importance of sticking your toe in and developing a social media practice that has boundaries and supports your art, rather than sucking the life out of it

  • the challenges of voice, legitimacy, vulnerability, visibility, authenticity, and using ‘correct’ vocabulary

  • How she overcame ‘a dark night of the soul’ moment in which she thought ‘I am not qualified to write this book’

  • Who is your audience and how to find (your) voice to connect with people.

Amanda generously shared her experience and advice on using various platforms (Twitter, TED, Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Patreon) and what to consider when ‘sharing yourself’ in the process of putting your work out there. Amanda spends a lot of time inviting people in and engaging with everyone, and this of course led into discussions of how much to share of yourself as a creative and where, how, and when to be vulnerable.

At one stage, Amanda asked the audience if anyone was waiting for permission or instruction from someone else to make the next move. Later she asked: ‘What does my work mean to you? What does it look like to you… the world of Rock ‘n’ Roll and the world of academia?’

Amanda spoke about her creative and writing processes. It took her six weeks to write her book “The art of asking; or, how I learned to stop worrying and let people help”, but over a year to edit due to many ups and downs along the way. She explained how her approaches and identity have developed over time: she used to identity as ‘a musician’, but she now refers to herself using words like ‘connector’, ‘creator’ or ‘broadcaster’ to show how creative agencies blur beyond the distinct limits of only know as a ‘poet’, ‘writer’, or ‘author’.

Quote of the session (Amanda): “All your choices go into the compost of art-writing-making”.

Amanda recalled how her early-career choice of writing an email to fans in the first rather than third person became a pivotal ‘cleave in the road’ moment in deciding what kind of artist she wanted to be. This led to the deeper probing of choosing which voice to write in, why academic writing is historically so cumbersome and the tension between using Plain English and ‘learning the language of a discipline’ - which many attendees could relate to.

Amanda told a number of tales from the crypt that show how her thinking and practices continue to evolve. One was what she learned after a recent Tik Tok video of her passionately singing a song from Encanto went viral, and the amusing and confusing questions it raised. Another was when, as a first-time author, she started thinking: ‘I am not qualified to write this book.’ To counter this, she told herself: “But you have learned something. Don't try and teach people something in this book, just tell them what you learned. You do you, Boo.”

We spent a lot of time talking about audience, connection and being a capable and confident creator – regardless of what you are working on. Amanda often shares with Patreons when she is struggling with her work and explained how the image of ‘a person doing the runway lights’ was helpful for thinking through next steps.

Final one-word poem

We closed out with our usual one-word poem sung by Amanda playing the ukulele as it emerged in the chat:

armadillo, love, empowering, bravery, do, village, sunflower, unexpected, musikology, artcast, confidence, vulnerability, soft, collages, sunmadillo, connection, art, soft belly, broadcast, gesamtkunstwerk, dare, hug, funflower, sunadillo, innocence, explore, backbone, people, natural, heart, spit, merlin, authentic, brené brown, biglove, so awesome.

 A few other ideas bouncing around were:

  • The German word ‘gesamtkunstwerk’ to describe a full(er) body of work.

  • Being selectively vulnerable

  • Slow down, dig in, go for quality

  • The smokescreen of vocabulary

  • Amy Cutty, Brene Brown and Steven Pinker - academics going mainstream

  • The difference between supporting a person/creative and not a product/outcome

  • Seeing hashtag(s) as the internet card catalogue

  • How much of doing social media is ‘work’

  • Is it nobler on the web/to suffer the trolls and comments of outrageous potential?

  • Giving art away is so much like Poetic Mischief in the Park

  • Finding the little breadcrumbs of source or whatever and empowering others to find their own breadcrumb path

  • The idea (possibly myth?) that Kahneman and Tversky would go visit EACH of their critics and design a study WITH them to settle (whatever) question and that's how one of the attendees wanted to grow and challenge themselves - dialectically engaging with people who challenge them

  • Being a ‘Hot Mess Artist’

  • Just write your story - 30 mins a day without references

  • Using ‘I’ is like stepping off the stage to crowd surf as an academic

  • The Queen doesn’t say/use “I” – how lonely

  • How to find your voice …literally, as a singer/performer/artist, and figuratively, in my artistic expression/writing?

  • Lessening the feeling of being inferior, not being academic (enough), and doing something messy

  • The Invention of Yesterday by Ansary (an Afghani-American historian).  Lovely narrative and a favourite of many.

  • How do you refer to your influence [s] in a creative writing piece without spoon-feeding the reader/audience?

  • “We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing - an actor, a writer - I am a person who does things - I write, I act - and I never know what I'm going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun.” Stephen Fry.

  • Being selectively vulnerable

  • Helen’s metaphor: self-preservation (an armadillo) versus openness to new learning (a sunflower). Amanda’s translation: strong back, soft front. Some other suggested variations on the armadillo-sunflower combo were a Funflower or a Sunadillo or an Armi(Sun)flower.

The full video of this inspiring session is now available in the WriteSPACE Library.

Not a member yet? Register here to receive an email with the video link.

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Emergency or emergence?

Valentine’s Day collage by Helen Sword


When I first looked at this collage by WriteSPACE member Gail Prasad -- created during a virtual workshop at my Valentine's Day Extravaganza a few weeks ago -- I saw only a scene of destruction.  The EMERGENCY sign from a hospital crashes into the roof of a tilting suburban house already half-submerged in rubble and half-covered by rampant jungle of green.  

But then I looked again.  In fact, the sign says EMERGE, with a hint of EMERGENCE.  Leaves, lattices, and fragments of words emerge from the page, richly textured and layered.  If you gaze long enough at the block of inky blue towards the top of the image, you'll see the faces of children emerging from the darkness.  Below them, caught in the crumbling latticing, we glimpse the inspiring word inspired.  

I asked Gail to tell me about her process of creating the collage.  She replied:

  • I started with the image of a hospital emergency wing that I’ve had in a collection of images that I’ve been gathering over the past year. I spent this past summer at the hospital with my father as he battled a rare and aggressive form of lymphoma. In the midst of grieving his loss, the practice of “making” has been healing. What surfaced through this collage was the idea that in “EMERGENCY” and crisis there is also the possibility of the EMERGENCE of new life worlds. While they may not be the same, the past is woven into what grows up from the ashes.

An assistant professor of education at York University in Canada, Gail uses collage as a research method to help children, youth, and their teachers express social representations of languages and language learning.  Here's an excerpt from a recent article on plurilingualism in children’s collages, in which she describes her own collage-making practice:

  • As a researcher-artist, when I relax into the creative process of gathering, layering, (re)combining and juxtaposing images, I am able to make new connections and allow ideas to surface that are substantively different than when I try to make sense cognitively of multiple pieces of information in the classroom or at my desk in my office. Rather than my head guiding my hand about what it should write, when I collage, the directionality of my thinking moves up first from my sensing of the materials in my hands as a I rearrange images, cut away parts or cover up pieces, up through my eyes as begin see new ideas, patterns and possibilities take shape, and then connect them in my mind and heart to what the composition reveals. (p. 908)

Reflecting on our Valentine's Day workshop, Gail noted further connections between collage-making and writing:

  • Your instruction that our collages could be photographed without actually gluing the layers down was freeing. It allowed me to take a picture of the work in progress and to see connections emerge – all with the assurance that I could make adjustments and additions to polish it later. I see the parallels to my writing. Sometimes I need to simply get thoughts on the page so I can take a step back to see the connections I am making both explicitly and more intuitively. It takes time for the ideas to settle into one another.

At a time when so much else in our world seems unsettled and askew, what new words might emerge from our emergencies? How can we use our writing to help ourselves and each other heal?  

I'd love to hear your thoughts!    

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The Handmind's Tale
paper collage

Collage by Helen Sword


This gorgeous collage, titled Blossom, was created at our free WriteSPACE birthday extravaganza on Valentine's Day by Nadia Dresscher, who teaches sociology at the University of Aruba and is finishing a PhD at the University of Amsterdam.  In her WriteSPACE membership profile, Nadia wrote:

  • I lean towards ontologies that articulate the social as messy, as incomplete, entangled in assemblages of human and non-human actors in a constant flux of becoming; I love to experiment with methodologies that try to approximate the unfoldings of the self, the movements of the entanglements we are part of, and the changing structures of feelings. I also write poetry, and I'm in the process of experimenting with creative non-fiction, autoethnography, and short stories.

I love the way that Nadia's exuberant collage gives visual form to abstract ideas such as entangled assemblageshuman and non-human actorsunfoldings of the self, and changing structures of feelings.  Nothing in the human mind is fixed; everything is fluid and fecund and unfolding.  

Author Ursula LeGuin reminds us that our hands help us think:

  • Nothing we do is better than the work of handmind. When mind uses itself without the hands it runs the circle and may go too fast; even speech using the voice only may go too fast. The hand that shapes the mind into clay or written word slows thought to the gait of things and lets it be subject to accident and time. (Ursula K. Le Guin, Always Coming Home)

Substitute "collage" for "clay," and LeGuin's words capture perfectly the power of collage-making to help us formulate ideas that we have not yet pressed into words.  

One of my favorite warm-up tasks at our WriteSPACE Live Writing Studio involves asking participants to freewrite about a piece of visual art.  Over the coming months, I will be putting that technique into practice myself, using some of the other beautiful collages produced by workshop participants on Valentine's Day to inspire the themes of future newsletter posts.

My head is already so full of ideas right now that I can practically feel the flowers blooming, the spirals unfurling, the mushrooms sprouting, the maps drawing themselves, the butterflies flying off the page.  Thank you, Nadia, for the gift of your beautiful Blossom! 

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Write Now!
Paper collage by Helen Sword

Collage by Helen Sword


Run your eyes down along the line of glass jewels in this collage, from the top left-hand side of the image to the bottom right. That's what you probably wish your writing process felt like: an effortless, gravity-assisted flow.

Now take your gaze the other way, from the bottom right to the top left. For most writers, that what writing really feels like. It's an uphill climb.

But the news isn't all bad.

Climbing a mountain can be a joyful, even exhilarating, experience: the higher you go, the clearer the air and the better the view. What's more, there are steps that you can take, right now, to strengthen your muscles, improve your equipment, and lighten your load. Best of all, you don't need to make that climb alone.

Early-bird registration is now open for the Stylish Writing Intensive, my flagship program for academic, professional, and creative writers who want to take their writing to the next level in the shortest possible period of time. I call it a "virtual writing retreat," but it's really a writing accelerator. In just three intensive days of advanced writing and editing workshops, small-group coaching, dedicated writing time, and hands-on personal feedback, I can help you take your writing from stodgy to stylish or from "already excellent" to "even better": crisper, sharper, more engaging.

The next iteration of the Stylish Writing Intensive runs for 3 days between March 31 - April 3 (the exact timing depends on your location and time zone). I would love to see you there! If you're not sure whether this program is right for you, I invite you to contact me to book a free 15-minute Zoom consultation.

Past participants have recommended that you treat the Stylish Writing Intensive just as you would a residential writing retreat: book those three days out in your calendar, turn off your phone, cancel all other appointments, and, if funding allows, rent a hotel room or Airbnb to mimimize distraction.

And speaking of funding: Check out my blog post on "Writing for Writing Grants" below or watch this video for advice from Stylish Writing Intensive alum Professor Karim Khan on how to write a persuasive funding application for your institution or line manager.

What are you waiting for?

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Changing Your Stripes

Zebra collage by Helen Sword

January 2022

Happy New Year!  So how are those New Year's resolutions going so far?  If you're like most writers, you've already let many of them fall by the wayside just a few short weeks into the year.  

Changing your stripes is hard.

What if, rather than trying to turn yourself into a different kind of writer altogether, you were to fill in the blank spaces between your stripes or spots with new words, new patterns, new colors?  

Here are three achievable resolutions for 2022 that any writer can aspire to:

  1. Learn something new. Read a book, take a course, sign up for a writing retreat, join a supportive writing community such as the WriteSPACE.

  2. Try something new. Experiment with style, dabble in an unfamiliar genre, invite a colleague to co-author an article with you. Take a risk with your writing, however modest, and see what happens.

  3. Write with pleasure. What happens when you append the words "with pleasure" to your writing-related tasks -- even the unpleasurable ones? "I'm going to start working on my literature review today . . . with pleasure." "I've got a stack of undergraduate essays to mark today . . . with pleasure." Sometimes just a small act of reframing can help you see things in a new way.

This website offers a wide range of resources that can help you learn as a writer, grow as a writer, and enjoy being a writer.  Check out the upcoming events page if you're ready to get started. 

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Filling the Cracks with Gold

Collage by Helen Sword

As we move into the final month of this crazy, crazing year, I've been thinking about kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing cracked pottery with seams of gold, silver, or platinum-dusted lacquer.

Kintsugi, sometimes called "the art of precious scars," is more than just a practical technique for rendering broken objects serviceable again.   As a philosophy, kintsugi helps us understand that breakage is part of an object's history, not a flaw to be hidden or disguised.  As an aesthetic principle, kintsugi teaches us to find beauty in imperfection.  And as a creative practice, kintsugi reminds us where new ideas come from:

  • There is a crack, a crack in everything,
    That's how the light gets in.

                    (Leonard Cohen, "Anthem")

This week, I invited participants in my WriteSPACE Live Writing Studio to freewrite about kintsugi as a metaphor for writing.  Here's a sampling of their responses:

  • Ree (New Zealand): the crack, the way in, the entrance

  • Vicky (UK): it reminded me of how I work with my source material -- I piece together broken lives in my non-fiction writing

  • David (Norway): There are cracks in my English, but I work day after day to put the pieces together

  • Jenny (Australia): Cracks are a break in patterns, broken & beautiful, repaired & patched, patched & whole

Cracks are where the light gets in. They're the place where the waterfall plummets down the mountain in a sculpture carved from an ancient piece of rock:

  • Every discolouration of the stone,
    Every accidental crack or dent
    Seems a water-course or an avalanche...

    (William Butler Yeats, "Lapis Lazuli")

I invite you to find the cracks in your own writing -- and then to fill them with light, with words, with rivers of gold.  

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WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year). Not a member? Join the WriteSPACE now and get your first 30 days free.

A Guide to the Style Guides

Collage by Helen Sword

We were delighted to have Daniel Shea as our special guest for our WriteSPACE Special Event, “A Guide to the Style Guides,” on Monday 22nd November. Daniel is the Heidelberg-based host of Scholarly Communication, “the podcast about how knowledge gets known.” Daniel also has his own YouTube channel, Write your research.

I first met Daniel (virtually) when he interviewed me about my books Stylish Academic Writing and Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write. (There's also a New Books Network podcast about The Writer's Diet with interviewer Bede Haines).

Now it's my chance to turn the tables and interview the interviewer! In the first hour of this 2-hour WriteSPACE Special Event, I asked Daniel to share insights from his many interviews with editors and educators, writing professionals and professional writers, publishers and the published. Daniel spoke about four key areas of scholarly communication that he likes to “think in”:

  1. science and social science;

  2. the publishing process;

  3. education (expression of knowledge - how to use the genres); and

  4. writing guides (the study of writing).

We also discussed Open Access publishing, how to approach freedom of choice in various academic genres, the difference between imitation and adaptation for emerging academic writers, and the challenges of containing “writing sprawl.”

Quote of the hour: “Nothing is irrelevant in literature.”

In the second hour, Daniel and I ran a hands-on workshop designed to help participants navigate the wide and sometimes confusing world of self-help books for writers. Writing guides fill many shelves in any bookstore or library; but how do we know which guides are best for us at different times in our writing lives? Daniel offered some concrete strategies for choosing among the many available guides and spoke about the importance of knowing what stylistic conversations and trends are happening in your discipline. He also encouraged us to reflect on the strengths and shortcomings of our favorite writing guides by considering the following questions:

  • When I pick up a new writing guide, am I looking for answers to specific questions, or do I hope to find general orientation in my writing?

  • Do I want the guide to function like a DIY manual or more like a course on writing, with a structured set of exercises to follow?

  • What are my expectations of the guide, and what are my expectations of myself?

  • Which skills in writing have I learned through guides and which through my own experience?

  • What kind of guides work best as conversation starters?

We concluded with a Q & A, and participants shared their favorite writing and style books. This thought-provoking session gave us all much to consider and a wonderful array of guides and resources to follow up.

Quote of the hour:

“Look outside your own area of work. Know that form follows function. What your writing can do is what you shape it to do.”

The full video of this inspiring session is now available in the WriteSPACE Library, and a list of the many books and other resources recommended by Daniel and the participants will be published in next week’s newsletter and blog post.

Resources discussed by Daniel Shea

Making Sense by Bill Cope & Mary Kalantzis.

Stylish Academic Writing by Helen Sword.

Several Short Sentences about Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg.

The Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner.

Writing Science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded by Josh Schimel. (An example of this is Josh Schimel's blog post entitled Writing Science Getting Started Group Exercise OCAR storytelling structure exercise - for science writers.)

Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace by Joseph Williams.

A book on Open Access: Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access by Martin Paul Eve.

How to Fix Your Academic Writing Trouble by Inger Mewburn.

Do I Make Myself Clear? Why Writing Well Matters by Harold Evans.

Grammar Choices for Graduate and Professional Writers by Nigel A. Caplan.

(Also see other titles in the Michigan Series in English for Academic & Professional Purposes.)

The Fine Art of Copyediting by Elsie Myers.

Other recommendations

Writing your journal article in 12 weeks: A guide to academic publishing success by Wendy Laura Belcher.

90 Days, 90 Ways: Inspiration, Tips & Strategies for Academic Writers by Patricia Goodson, Mina Beigi, and Melika Shirmohammadi.

Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books by William Germano.

On revision by William Germano.

Everyday I Write the Book by Amitava Kumar.

First You Write a Sentence by Joe Moran.

The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century by Steven Pinker.

The Writing Life by Annie Dillard.

The Clockwork Muse by Eviatar Zerubavel.

How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing by Timothy G. Pollock.

Murder Your darlings by Roy Peter Clark.

Writing down the bones: Freeing the writer within by Nathalie Goldberg.

Reporting Qualitative Research in Psychology by Heidi Levitt.

Writing for Social Scientists by Howard Becker.

Tricks of the Trade by Howard Becker.

Words and Rules - and others titles by Steven Pinker.

WAC Clearinghouse – an open access publishing collaborative.

WAC Resources page and more specifically, see these WAC Writing Guides, Links for writing, and Open Access Textbooks.

Warm thanks to Nina Ginsberg for helping with this post!

A recording of this WriteSPACE Special Event is now available for members in the WriteSPACE Library.

Not yet a member? Join the WriteSPACE now with a free 30 day trial, and access our full Library of videos and other writing resources.

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WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year).

In the Flow

Collage by Helen Sword

When you fantasize about writing freely and prolifically, what metaphors spring to mind? 

For many writers, those rare periods of effortless productivity when swirling ideas coalesce and perfect sentences appear as though by magic on the page can be summed up in a single word: flow.  

The opposite of flow is frustration, academic writers' most frequently mentioned emotion word.  (See Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write, Chapter 10).  Writers sometimes invoke intestinal blockages (“constipation”), plumbing blockages (“a feeling of being clogged”), and blocked waterways (“stuck in the quagmire of detail”) to describe their feelings of frustration when their sentences don’t flow.

The recent death of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi inspired me to revisit his classic book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, which I highly recommend to anyone wanting to deepen their creative practice.  Csikszentmihalyi defines flow as a state of utter absorption in a task that lies just beyond the limits of our abilities, neither so easy that we find it boring nor so challenging that we find it impossible:

  • It is what the sailor holding a tight course feels when the wind whips through her hair, when the boat lunges through the waves like a colt—sails, hull, wind, and sea humming a harmony that vibrates in the sailor’s veins. It is what a painter feels when the colors on the canvas begin to set up a magnetic tension with each other, and a new thing, a living form, takes shape in front of the astonished creator. . . . The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost. (pp 3, 16)

According to Csikszentmihalyi, anyone can learn to enter the flow state more or less at will by setting up the right conditions, including an uninterrupted period of time in which to work and an attitude of willingness rather than resistance.  Yet even when all of these conditions are in place, the flow of writing can remain elusive, more like a magic spring guarded by a fickle muse than a steady stream of words to be turned on or off at will. 

The problem, I suspect, is that writers tend to conflate what Csikszentmihalyi calls “the flow state” with the easy flow of perfectly formed sentences onto the waiting page.  In fact, we can be "in flow" at any stage of the writing process: not just when our words are flowing freely but also when we are deeply absorbed in the pleasures of brainstorming, mind-mapping, pre-writing, or polishing. 

I created this week's collage while in a state of flow, happily immersed in the challenge of visually representing the concept of flow in all its beauty and complexity.  I started with an aerial photograph of a braided river, then layered meandering channels of marbled blue paper over hand-inked text and patterned paper invoking geological and botanic forms. 

The creative process, like a braided river, is a delicate ecosystem prone to both silting and flooding.  As writers, we can find flow in both the silt and the flood, in contemplative silence as well as in the headlong rush of new words.  

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Happy Penguins

What do penguins have to do with pleasure in writing?  Everything!  

Researchers have found that when we come to a writing task in a positive frame of mind, we are likely to perform it more skilfully, creatively, and with greater enjoyment than when we arrive at the task burdened by anxiety, anger, or doubt. Behavioral psychologist Barbara Fredrickson calls this phenomenon the broaden-and-build cycle of positivity: our successful performance of a task generates an ever broader base of confidence and enjoyment that we can build on, in turn, the next time we undertake that task. 

Crucially, we can access the broaden-and-build cycle even when the positive emotions that get us there have been externally rather that internally induced.  I call this the happy penguin effect, based on a study in which Fredrickson and her colleagues invited student volunteers to perform a simple writing task immediately after watching a short video calculated to induce either neutral emotions (autumn leaves gently falling), negative emotions (two people engaged in an escalating argument), or positive emotions (penguins at play). 

The researchers reported that the study participants who watched the playful penguin video went on to write significantly longer, livelier, and more inventive responses than those in the other two groups.  In other words, playful penguins can help you become a more productive writer -- not to mention a more creative and colorful one.  (The penguin study is described in Fredrickson's aptly titled book Positivity: Discover the Upward Spiral That Will Change Your Life).  

Here's what John Ruskin, the famously curmudgeonly Victorian art critic, had to say about the power of penguins to cheer up even the grumpiest of writers:  

  • When I begin to think at all, I get into states of disgust and fury . . . and have to go to the British Museum and look at penguins till I get cool. I find penguins at present the only comfort in life. One feels everything in the world so sympathetically ridiculous. One can't be angry when one looks at a penguin. (John Ruskin, letter to Charles Eliot Norton, 4th November 1860)

The sooner we can hoist ourselves and our writing onto that upward spiral of positivity, the higher we will climb.  And penguins -- or any other stimulus that shifts our pre-writing mood from gloomy to joyful -- can help us get there.

To get started, check out my new Happy Penguin video, featuring the voice of my fabulous friend Caitlin Smith and a cameo appearance by my dog Freddie. (Freddie loves penguins too!) If Caitlin's soaring jazz vocals don't put you in the mood for writing, I hope they'll at least get you up and dancing. Check out my other YouTube videos while you're on the channel (especially the Purple Penguin), and please don't forget to subscribe.

What are your happy penguins?    

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WriteSPACE members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Helen’s Word as part of their membership plan (USD $15/month or $150/year). Not a member? Join the WriteSPACE now and get your first 30 days free.

Writing and Beauty

On Tuesday October 19, the WriteSPACE community was treated to a conversation on “Writing on Beauty” with esteemed special guest and genre-defy writer Professor Douglas Hofstadter.

Doug has always been “a strange loop.” His book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid won both the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction and the National Book Award in 1980. He is a more-than-transdisciplinary thinker who teaches cognitive science and comparative literature (among other things) at Indiana University. Doug is also Director of Indiana University’s Fluid Analogies Research Group (FARG), where he and other FARGonauts pursue the creative analogy-making holy grail of “fluidity.” Doug’s enduring passion for languages, music, and the sciences blends seamlessly with his ongoing discursive explorations in poetry, translations, script-inspired “Whirly Art,” and wordplay - all of which keep him writing and “perpetually in search of beauty.”

In the first hour of this WriteSPACE Special Event, Doug and I discussed how his intellectual autobiography informs his writing and his concept of beauty. Doug told us about some of his childhood experiences and influences - one of the most prominent being his mother’s beautiful handwriting - and how these early encounters informed his later work. Doug shared pieces of his writing and pointed out various curiosities, such as layers of inherent ambiguities, strategic uses of conceptual, lyrical, and formatting wordplay, and playful examples of self-referential sentences. He also compared two different English translations of the same Pushkin poem to show how they differed in patterning, meaning, and aesthetics.

 Quote of the hour (Doug’s definition of beauty): “Beauty is a unity of things that come together in some unexpected, special, natural and powerful way.”

In the second half, Helen ran us through two Hofstadter-inspired word play activities. First, we wrote a description of an object without using the letter ‘e’ and then in small breakout groups, we used the prompt ‘write a self-referential sentence’ to see what emerged.

 Quote of the hour: Sentences that implode!

The full video of this spectacular session is available for members in the WriteSPACE Library.

Not yet a member? Join the WriteSPACE now with a free 30 day trial, and access our full Library of videos and other writing resources.

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Sea Glass
sea glass

Original collage by Helen Sword


When my children were young, we used to scour the beach together for sea glass, which we would take home and sort into jars and bowls: burnished browns, textured greens, clear glass etched to a misty white. Occasionally we might find a nugget of red, blue, even purple glass -- precious treasures to be rubbed between our fingers and held up to the light.

Those fragments of glass, I told my children, started out as something useful: a bottle or container, a part of a whole. Eventually those containers got emptied, smashed, discarded; the broken glass lay sharp and angry on the ground, a hazard for tender feet, reviled as trash. But some lucky pieces found their way into the sea to be tossed by the waves and scoured by the sand. Weeks or months or years later they washed back up onto the beach, their jagged edges now polished smooth.

Writing is like sea glass. Sometimes the words flow from us like running water or leave our hands in shapely sculptures. But more often our sentences need to be broken up and churned around by the ocean swells until, like the missing father of Shakespeare's Tempest, they undergo "a sea change / into something rich and strange."

Writers, too, are like sea glass. We start out as empty vessels, filled only with potential. We end up polished by time, textured by the waves, more precious and beautiful than before.

Tumble down to the tidal zone
and beach yourself here beside me
where vision and substance meet:
where the earth flattens and floods
and smashed beer bottles
wash up at our feet
disguised as amber jewels.

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